Monday, April 11, 2011

And in other news....

So, you guessed it, no Travel Approval (TA) despite all of the statistics that say we should have received it. That leaves us with an update on ME! After following my prescribed plan as laid out in the previous post, I have managed to work out every day but Sunday - had to have one day of rest in there - read my Bible almost every day (missed 2 days b/c boys have no concept of "quiet time"), and followed Weight Watchers. All of this added up to a weight loss of 5.5 lbs with which I am EXTREMELY happy and motivated to keep going. I knew if I could use spring break to set up a routine, I would be more dedicated once school started back. My husband has been very supportive and the aforementioned kids have no desire to interrupt the hungry, red-faced, beast on the treadmill. The good news is I found an excellent website which provides great recipes using REAL food that my family even enjoys. Now, if I can just keep going...

The boys had baseball tournaments this weekend. Samuel's team did really well. He even pitched which is something he has never done before. Samuel was great and handled the pressure like a champ!! I was such a proud Mama!! Simon's team, God love them, is full of kids who just want to play...which is good because they struggle with the fundamentals. Simon loves to play even though, occasionally, his outfield position is boring and has him playing in the dirt.

There are only 6 weeks of school left and I hope to be in China for 2 of those weeks. I will have a lot of work to do in the next few weeks and may even have to work some this summer but I will do whatever in order to bring our boys home. I'm sorry to any one who has emailed, phoned, texted, or communicated via snail mail that I have not returned any forms of communication. I needed a week for me to heal and rebuild. My medical situation is not as dire as first feared but I will have to be careful in China which is not what I want to worry about given that I will be without Scott for a week. It is in God's always has been. Sometimes it is just difficult to remember.

We have a few prayer requests:

1. Please pray our TA arrives soon so that we can finalize travel plans.

2. Please pray our boys are healthy and well in China. Give them peace that there forever family will be there soon.

3. Please pray for Samuel - sometimes it's just hard being 10.

4. Please pray for the health of my mom as she keeps the boys while we are away.

5. Please pray for peace and strength in the days ahead.

Thank you - we are so blessed.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the big week! I've added your prayer requests to my list.

