Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We were burglarized today...there are no words for why this happened. Our faith is shaken but we are trying...to find peace, meaning, something...our memories from china as well as all of our gifts for the boys were taken...

Please pray

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We have NEWS....the GOOD kind!!

Just a quick update...We received an email today from our case worker.  Our file has been submitted to the US Embassy in Ethiopia!!  We are thrilled that we are one step closer to our precious baby girl.  Can't wait to get her into the mix so she can set all of these hoodlums boys straight.  Keep those prayers coming!  We are so close!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bring Our Children Home

We wait... for the last piece of this puzzle sent from God.  We wait for Sophie and know that His eyes are upon her at all times and His arms will comfort her until we can.

We wait and enjoy the small bits and pieces we get to see as other families travel to bring their children home.

We love you Sophia Senait and we WILL bring you HOME!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The dog days of summer....

are officially over at our house. All of my children are now in school!! Woohoo!

One ran so fast I could not even get my traditional picture of him walking into the school. You might think he didn't enjoy his mother being home with him all summer!

Sawyer and Shepherd are going to the same school after much discussion and prayer. Always good to have Dad walk you in on your first day.

Shepherd - handled it like a pro complete with a "Shepherd School! Bye lub you Mama!" as soon as we pulled into the school.
Sawyer - not so much. He's going to need lots of convincing that a) school is a good thing and b) Mama and Baba will always be there at the end of the day.

It helps to have a teacher who speaks your language!

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes on this journey.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

1 down, 3 to go

The most glorious season has once again settled in the South:


Let me tell you I don't think I have ever celebrated so much!  Samuel had his first day of 5th grade!!  He tried to tell Dad and I that we would not be able to walk him in to his class.  Hmmph!  You can imagine how well that went over with me.  I plan to hold on to my first miracle as long as I can and explained this small fact to him.  We are both so proud of him and all he has accomplished both in school and with the acquistion of all of his brothers and sister. 

Now...if I could just get the other three started!  Come on Tuesday!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ignorance exemplified...

Person: "What do Ethiopians look like? Do they look like us?"

Me: (They have a 3rd eye in the middle of their forehead! What the heck do you mean asking me what Ethiopians look like?!)  Hmmm, I'm not sure what you mean.

Person: "Well, you know how it's OBVIOUS your children are from China because they look Chinese? I just didn't know if it was OBVIOUS that your daughter was Ethiopian."

Me: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .....) Well, my children are all different ethnicities and they do not look alike; Ethiopia is much the same.  I guess I have never really thought or cared about what they look so I'm not sure how to answer your question.

Person: "Oh, well, congratulations anyway"

I know I live in the South...really, I do.  I also understand that, although this is a stereotype, in my experience, it has been earned.  And I know our choice to follow God's plan for our lives means we will get a lot of stares from strangers who find us to be a novelty or even disgusting.  What I don't know is how people in today's society can be so ignorant of the world we live in.  I also don't know how many times I can count in order to keep myself from turning into the over protective mom who will lash out at anyone who attempts to hurt my children. 

My children, all of them, are amazing gifts from God through fertility or adoption.  They do not look alike but they are all made in His image.  And, I guess if I am honest, so is the ignorant woman who made the comments that almost landed her on her...booty.  Amen.