Monday, January 10, 2011

One year ago today....

we met our little man for the first time in a hotel lobby in Beijing, China. Although he called me "mama" he was shy and had no clue what was going on in the room. It did not take long before he knew he was being left and and a crying, screaming child emerged that wanted nothing to do with us and just wanted out of that room. Some patience and a DS game later and the ice was broken to the point of tickle fights in bed and dancing to the Jackson Five. What a whirlwind of blessings our life has been since that first day. Our wonderful child, who spoke no English, now not only speaks but reads English on a first grade level. He is a typical 2nd grade boy who is bright, funny, a little stubborn, and adores his older brother. When our social worker asked him if there was anything he wanted her to know during our last home visit, he said he wanted China to know that he was happy and loved his family. Made this Momma's heart swell with pride and love for this little blessing from God. So, today, with 8 inches of snow in Georgia, we celebrate being a family and can't honestly remember what it was like without our little Chinese boy as a part of our family. Thank you God for the big and small blessings you give us each day. May we always remember to appreciate each one as individuals and as a family.


  1. Our son is a first grader now and from Beijing. It's amazing how fast they adapt but it sure is hard to watch the mourning in the beginning. Love the new teeth in the last shot!


  2. Love the image of dancing to the Jackson Five. Happy Anniversary!!!
