Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Call us CRAZY!!!

But God has led us to adopt another little boy!! We are over the moon with excitement! We just received PA for our youngest addition, 3 year old Shepherd. God has truly been good to us and we know he will provide for us to bring both of our boys home! When we chose to name our blog, the four was simply going from our small family of three to four with the addition of Simon. We never knew he would eventially lead us to adopting three precious boys from China. Those boys along with our homegrown amazing oldest son have truly allowed China to "make four". God is so amazing!! We would appreciate prayers that our journey to both of our little men goes smoothly!

S6!! (what a number):)


  1. I know that this word is greatly overused, but that is awesome! He is adorable. Best of luck on your journey,


  2. Oh my GOSH!!! I just returned home from a week away and was just catching up here. Wow! What a journey! Congratulations on adding ANOTHER BOY!
